Sports equipment for people with disabilities

At the end of the month of informing about autism, CHILD.UA handed over special sports equipment for adults with autism, which will be useful during correction and rehabilitation. About 400 men of different ages live in Novo-Belitsky Psychoneurological Boarding School. Sports equipment, which the institutions CHILD.UA donated to the institutions, promote the rehabilitation of adults with ASD and disabled people. The boarding school donation was given on the eve of the Easter holidays. The West has also become part of the AUTISM FRIENDLY SPACE Marathon, which aims to create in Ukraine a friendly environment for people with autism.
President of the Association CHILD.UA Eugenia Tymoshenko noted:
“We do our best to help people with autism of different ages, and directly support them. The goal of our marathon is a radical change in the attitude of society towards people who have autism spectrum disorders. Easter holidays are days filled with light and joy, therefore it is especially important to give pleasant emotions to people who have such features.”
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