“Follow your dream” festival
International Charity Festival supporting creative development of gifted children
The idea of the festival arose in the Crimean summer camp, where a group of volunteers conducted a concert for pupils of orphanages and state boarding schools, among whom there were many talented children.
Since the beginning of the project in 2007 more than 5000 children took part in the festival. Many of the project participants became winners of international media song and dance festivals, and also built a successful career in the leading creative teams of the country.
The team of tutors and professional jury of the contest includes famous Ukrainian and international musicians, actors, vocalists and choreographers.
The famous Ukrainian celebrities support the children on the big stage, such as Tina Karol, Monatik, Ivan Dorn, Irina Bilyk, Svetlana Tarabarova, Marta Adamchuk, Yurii Godo, Ekaterina Buzhinskaya, Max Barskih, Arina Domsky, Kishe, Evgenia Vlasova, Myata, Vitaly Kozlovsky and many others.
In order to preserve objectivity, the members of the jury are not acquainted with the profiles of the participants – life stories of children, their assessment is based solely on the level of children’s creativity and talent.
The festival “Follow your dream” is inclusive, but the majority of participants are children who have no opportunity or support to develop their creative talents.
Events of the Festival are held for four days. In the first two days there is a competition and master classes given by celebrities and preparation for the Gala Concert. Gala Concert is a festive, professional, large-scale show, where children perform together with celebrities on stage. The project is unique in Ukraine.
The festival has united patrons, public figures, philanthropists, business and art representatives from all over the world.
Together we help little talents to flourish and achieve their dreams!