The Verkhovna Rada has improved the social protection of children, including those who are in the zone of the armed conflict.
Monday, January 26, 249 deputies has voted for the law in the second reading “Correction some laws of Ukraine concerning strengthening of social protection of children and support to families with children” (No. 2254).
In particular, deputies made the norm that the state shall take all necessary measures to ensure the protection of children who are in the war zone and armed conflicts, and children who suffered as a result of hostilities and armed conflicts.
According to the adopted law, the state cares about them and helps to reunite them with family members (these measures include investigation, release from captivity, the return children who are illegally taken abroad to Ukraine).
The law stipulates that if the age of the person is not identified and there is reason to believe that the person is a child, the protection is given according to this legislation, to establish age.
Changes in legislation of Ukraine stipulates that all the state action concerning the protection of children who are in the war zone and armed conflicts, children who suffered as a result of military action and armed conflicts, carried out in accordance with the norms of international humanitarian law.