Nearly three tons of food products, children clothes, stationary and hygiene products were gathered by the representatives of the Association of NGOs “Social Protection” in Kyiv and Department of industry and enterprise development of Kyiv city state administration.
Two buses were organized by the above mentioned activists to transport the essential goods and products for kids. They were accompanied by the officers from civil-military cooperation group of sector “M” who found out about the exact needs of the kids and found those people who could help. The first place that were visited by the group of officers and volunteers was Mariupol orphanage “Centre of Care”. More than hundred children reside there from babies to seventeen year old girls and boys. So, any kind of help is welcomed with joy and appreciation.
– We are very much moved by the fact that soldiers, civil activists and state officials remember us. We are very thankful for their help and believe in our victory, – said the head of centre Lyudmila Lazarenko.
Food, sweets and hygiene products were delivered also to the Centre of children rehabilitation “Republic Pilgrim” that is situated in v. Chervone near Mariupol. Children-teenagers who were deprived of parental care live there.
– We have visited all orphanages in Mariupol and decided that the two above mentioned children homes are in most need of outside help. We found people who responded to our request. With time, we will be able to help the other centers we oversee – explained head of the civil-military cooperation group of sector “M” Sergiy Verischak.
Information taken from the official website of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine