Thanks to the cooperation of the Association “Social protection”(IASP), headed by YugeniaTymoshenkoand Korean Charity Foundation “Mother’s Heart”, founded by the Princess of South Korea Shim Sol, and with the support of Yulia Timoshenko, we are able to healthier almost 200 children of socially unprotected categories who are the winners of the charity festival “Follow your dream” as well as internally displaced children that the organization take care of.
It will be an unforgettable two weeks on the Black sea coast, in the Children’s sanatorium “Green park Sergeevka” that is located in an ecologically clean area. Where they can rest and recover both mentally and physically.
Some children felt the “breath” of the war in Eastern Ukraine – some of them orphans… in short those who aremost in need of attention, rehabilitation and rest.
The goal of the camp “Follow your dream” to improve children’s health, because summer vacationsare essential for their health and harmonious growth;for development of the area for disclosing talents and creative abilities of youth.
Children at camp will be involved ineducational and entertaining, cultural and creative program.Besides rest and recreation, the camp aims to help children discover their creativity and to enjoy the concerts of Ukrainian pop stars, among whom are those who regularly support the festival.
We are confident that such projects primarily contribute to the improvement of children’s health, their cultural development, and the strengthening partnerships for the creation such projects in the future.