On January 21 the Kyiv municipal academic puppet theater held a charity show “Snow flower”, for children from large families and children immigrants from Eastern Ukraine.
On the initiative of Eugenia Tymoshenko, the President of the Association “Social protection” and supported by ICO “Pogliad”, were invited for the show about 160 children involved in the organization.
The Christmas adventure continues, frosty weather and snow inspire the organization and conduct of charity events. In these cold days of winter, in a special way I want to give warmth and care. Association “Social protection” continues close cooperation with the Kiev municipal academic puppet theatre, and this time prepared an interesting program with wonderful gifts and an unforgettable experience.
The main purpose of the event was the rehabilitation of children in difficult life circumstances. Art, creativity is a way to escape from difficult moments which are present in the lives of these families and gifts for children is always a lot of emotions and happiness.
We want to Express our gratitude to the Director of the Theater – Chunihin Alexander Natanovich for the cooperation and the desire to do good together.
Giving love and care to others, we ourselves are enriched, and great hearts are capable of great deeds!