According to the official data approximately 1 200 000 persons have left Eastern Ukraine since the spring, 2014. Many of them are foster families and family-type children’s homes (FTCH), which were not in a position to stay any longer on the temporarily occupied territories. At the new location they had to face numerous problems related to their living, financial support and even schooling. The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 4, 2015 contains the regulations with regard to exit the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and to enter the new ones.
Nevertheless, each step of the family-type children’s homes (FTCH) is followed by immense amount of paperwork just from the time of moving into temporary accommodation (and it is not at all easy to find it!). For example, issuing a registration certificate (paragraph 1) takes several days, and in case refugees and displaced persons have no documents, the process of their issuing and re-issuing takes about 3 months! During that period a family does not receive any child support allowances (which, in its turn, depend on the territorial community where a family is located), as, further to individual decisions, it is sometimes possible to get financial support.
In view of this, a year ago the responsibility for providing an appropriate assistance to the FTCH was taken by the concerned people and volunteers who are eager and can afford to give all kinds of support while the process of issuing all needed documents is going on. Recently the rights of the migrants from Western Ukraine have become at risk, since the Government have cancelled payments for about 150 000 persons, who, according to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, are not true displaced persons, but just swindlers.
H. Hemyria, Vice Head of the Batkivshchyna Party and Head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Human Rights, pointed out that “information given by internally displaced persons (IDP) gives ground to speak about hundreds of thousands of citizens removed from the IDP information base for no reason and without any notice, with their certificates having no legal force”. This fact should not go without mention. Our organization, as well as other volunteer organizations, began to ring the alarm at every possible way. Anyway, with government finding it difficult to cover IDPs needs, it is clear enough that providing welfare assistance to the displaced persons is becoming more and more vital.
One of the activities undertaken by the Association of international and Ukrainian NGOs “Social Protection” (IASP) deals with migrants’ families and family-type children’s homes (FTCH). We are very grateful to acknowledge our partners’ and volunteers’ assistance enabling us to pass necessary food, household goods and clothes for 300 internally displaced families. Additionally, at the end of each month we organize the “Do Good”event in supermarkets, where people can help us to collect any food or goods for the IDP families by adding staff that they choose to purchase in charity baskets. The above event is of vital importance as one third of the internally displaced persons are children.
On February 26-27, 2016 a charity event organized by the volunteers of the IASP is going to take place within the network of the Velyka Kyshenia supermarkets. Everyone who feels like it, can buy and give any food. If you have time and wish to do volunteer work, call us: (050)418-28-25, +38(044)428-57-18.
We would really appreciate your initiative and active participation in this event!