An annual charity event was taking place during the last month in preparation for the school year, called “School Bag”. It was oganised for children of internally displaced people from Crimea and eastern regions of Ukraine, children from familieswith a lot of members and families with difficult circumstances.
The basic idea of the charity campaign was to make feel the joy of the first school day for children regardless of the social status of her family as well as show that others take care about them and are always ready to support them. Every year more and more children are getting desirable and necessary schooling gifts for good study.
Therefore, last week 20 children from displaced families and families with a lot of members received schoolbags, equipped with stationery and school supplies thanks to ICO “Pogliad” who regularly supports them.
This week, another 50 children of immigrants from Eastern Ukraine and Crimea attended the celebration, which was organized by “Social protection” Association supported by the “Eksperymentarium” Museum in Kiev! The time was not only interesting and usefully spent, but also children received their schoolbags. Interesting experiments, scientific facts and friendly meetings gave the children a good mood!
On September 1st we are going to ride to the village Bohuslav inhabited by families with a lot of members. We plan to provide for about 130 children with necessary school supply.
Overall, this year’s aid as a school bag, equipped with stationery and school supplies, had got over 200 kids. On behalf of the Association “Social Security” we express a gratitude to supermarkets “MegaMarket”, chain of shops “Socrates”, publish house “Morning” company “Deltasport” ICF “Abundant life”. With your help we were able to please the children whose families are unable to prepare them to school.
We thank everyone for the concern and care and for the possibility to give the jot for those who are in need.
More photos are HERE