Art therapy or create a mood by yourself

Association “Social protection” (IASP) continues the direction of activities in the field of working with adolescents in prison. So, this week volunteers and members of the Association, “World without dependence”, visited the young people in Pryluky juvenile colony.
In recent years, popularity of art therapy increases in the work with prisoners. It is the direction of rehabilitation, based on activity of convicted fine art.
Being isolated from society, feeling psychological discomfort convicted subconsciously looking for sources of creativity, expression of themselves  and positive emotions. This allows prisoners to harmonize personality, self-esteem, forming value attitude for themleves, to recognize problems in relationships with others, and though use personal resources to overcome crisis situations.
Most ofthe guysdidn’t paint before. Lots of them needed to overcome internal barrier to take a brush in their hands. Butthey admit that starting it became distracting and inspiring.
Sincere communication of volunteers and prisoner while drawing in the fresh air –is the necessary condition for full rehabilitation and positive changes. Volunteers also deliver gifts and sweets.
Art can change the world for the better. Because art awakens in person new qualities, new facets, new areas. It can renew a person.

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