Jubilee festival “Follow Your Dream” announces the search for young talents!

Dear orphanages, boarding schools, and migrants from the East, Crimea, parents and children from underprivileged or large families, we look forward to see your wonderful performances and we invite you toparticipate in the qualifying competition of the X Jubilee international charitable festival “Follow Your Dream”.
Age: 6-17 years.
Nominations: vocal, choreography and original genre. To participate in the contest you must send a completed applicationform, download video number on YouTube channel (the file should contain: name of your performance, surname and the name of theartist/band name, locality (address) and name of educational institution). Video can be filmed on camera, webcam, mobile phone, etc. Applications and video of the performances will be accepted from February 1 to March 16, 2016, inclusive, to the email address: konkyrs.mriy@gmail.com
From 16 March to 16 April 2016, the competent jury, composed ofprominent figures of art and culture, will give scores to applicantsfor participation in the X festival “Follow Your Dream”.
On April 20, 2016 the organizing Committee will have all evaluationsof the jury and will summarize and publish the results on the officialwebsite: www.mriy.org.
The winners of the qualifying round will participate in the X Jubilee international charity children’s art festival “Follow Your Dream”.
X Anniversary Festival “Follow Your Dream” will be held in Kyiv from may 19 to 22 May 2016. Adress: Center of Culture and Arts of NTUU “KPI” Address of CCA: 37, Prosp. Peremohy
The organizing Committee of the festival provides accommodation andmeals for the participants. All festival participants will receivememorable prizes, diplomas and gifts from partners of the festival. The festival will take place in several stages: rehearsal, competitionand Gala concert May 22 with participation of Ukrainian pop stars andthe best performances from the participants of the X festival “Follow Your Dream”.
The organizing Committee of the festival: (044) 428-57-18, (050)413-83-82, website: www.mriy.org
Together we are changing children's lives for the better!